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Blog posts February 2019

We don’t know who we are, and we will probably never know it

This is the issue: artificial intelligence is changing our language and, therefore, changing our brain. And, in doing so, it makes us doubt about ourselves and, as a consequence, it generates an increasing uncertainty about what it means to be human and about our own future as humanity. Now, let's e…

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We don’t know who we are, and we will probably never know it

This is the issue: artificial intelligence is changing our language and, therefore, changing our brain. And, in doing so, it makes us doubt about ourselves and, as a consequence, it generates an increasing uncertainty about what it means to be human and about our own future as humanity. Now, let's e…

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No sabemos quiénes somos y ahora quizá nunca lo sabremos

Este es el tema: la inteligencia artificial está cambiando nuestro lenguaje y, por lo tanto, cambiando nuestro cerebro. Y, al hacerlo, nos hace dudar de nosotros mismos y, como consecuencia, nos genera una incertidumbre cada vez mayor sobre lo que significa ser humano y sobre nuestro propio futuro c…

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Existential paradoxes, yes. Narcissistic contradictions, no.

Existential paradoxes have been part of humanity since humans become humans precisely because we, humans, are not yet totally sure of what or who alone really, much less of what our purpose or destiny is, here or in the most there (if there is one).

For that reason, the Greek philosopher Heraclit…

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Paradojas existenciales, sí. Contradicciones narcisistas, no.

Francisco Miraval

Las paradojas existenciales han sido parte de la humanidad desde que la humanidad es tal, precisamente porque nosotros, los humanos, aún no estamos totalmente seguros de qué o quiénes solos realmente ni mucho menos de cuál es nuestro propósito o destino, aquí o en el más allá (si e…

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What can be done, if anything, when our own leaders are our own worst enemies?

The task seemed simple: to talk with a certain community leader to present her with a free long-term personal training project, focused on solidifying the financial foundations of the family. But neither the task was simple nor was there communication.

"I'll be clear, Francisco," this person -who…

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Nada se puede hacer cuando nuestros propios dirigentes son nuestros peores enemigos

La tarea parecía sencilla: conversar con una cierta dirigente comunitaria para presentarle un proyecto gratuito de capacitación y desarrollo personal a largo plazo, enfocado en solidificar las bases financieras de la familia. Pero ni la tarea fue sencilla ni hubo comunicación.

“Voy a ser clara,…

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We will soon be replaced by intelligent robots and they are already watching us

Francisco Miraval

I must confess that I don’t like it when I watch a TV series that it is presented as only fiction and then, later, I discover that the technology presented in that series was not fiction at all. It really upsets me when I see that years after the TV series ended the fictional te…

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Nos queda medio siglo antes que los súper robots nos remplacen (pero ya nos vigilan)

Me molesta, debo confesarlo, mirar una serie de televisión que supuestamente es sólo ficción para luego enterarme que, aunque la trama es ficción, la tecnología que se muestra no lo es. Pero lo que realmente me molesta es que esa tecnología se muestra varios años antes de que su existencia se confir…

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9 blog posts