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Blog posts April 2022

Bad advice in early childhood ruins the future of several generations

According to a recent study, the main reason why Latino men in the United States between the ages of 18 and 35 do not go to college is the bad advice they received before they were eight years old from their parents and teachers. And that is the same reason why Latino men of that age, even if they e…

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We are turning the future into the dump of the present

As the Spanish philosopher Daniel Innerarity said more than a decade ago, we have made the future the dump of the present. And the reason, we add, is clear: all destruction of the past to "make room" for the present transforms the future into a dump full of those rubble, debris and refuse that, accu…

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Congratulations to Flamenco 492 for flying away and teaching us valuable lessons

In 2005, a zoo in Sedgwick, Kansas, United States, brought back from Africa a flamingo, listed as Number 492 among the animals in that zoo. But before the flamingo could definitively join its companions also captured in Africa, the flamingo flew away and was only found now, healthy, happy, and livin…

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We are afraid of the future because it forces as to face our madness in the present

It is said that we should not worry about the future because it has not yet arrived (it is a mistake, because the future is always already here) and it is said that the future is not worth thinking about because we cannot know it (another mistake, but more difficult to explain, although the "memorie…

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4 blog posts